Tuesday 10 May 2011

Battlefield 3 latest news: Going Back to Karkand #1

From the official Battlefield3 / EA blog  - 

Going Back to Karkand #1: Your chance to relive the greatest Battlefield maps ever

Part I in a behind the scenes series on Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand

Containing four of the best Battlefield maps ever created by DICE, the first expansion pack for Battlefield 3 will be a treat both for returning fans and newcomers. Read on for more in-depth details on Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand and how to get it at no extra charge.

Anyone who preorders Battlefield 3 will receive our first themed expansion pack at no extra charge. When Lead Designer Niklas Fegraeus got the assignment to lead the expansion pack, his thoughts immediately went to the four most played and loved maps in the history of Battlefield: Strike at Karkand, Wake Island, Gulf of Oman, and Sharqi Peninsula. Combined, these four maps have been played for an incredible 25,000 man years!

It’s obvious returning Battlefield fans should be excited. What does the expansion pack offer to those new to Battlefield?-- It’s pretty simple, really. These are evidently some of the very best maps we have ever built. We have unquestionable data and feedback from the community saying so. You would be crazy turning down the chance to boost your game with these classic multiplayer maps.

click the link below for the full story and images

Going Back to Karkand #1: Your chance to relive the greatest Battlefield maps ever - Battlefield: Bad Company - Battlefield Blog

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