Transformers Fall of the Cybertron – by guest reviewer Jack Carter
Activision working with High Moon studio is back with the big machines. The official website calls it ‘An Epic Battle For Survival’ - so what’s it really about?

Initially you play as BumbleBee an Autobot general who is recovering from an attack on the mothership, but it's not all. You’re there to get fixed up by Bail the medic and then fix up the mothership alongside the ultimate leader of the Autobots ( Optimus Prime) With both Bail and Optimus showing you the controls you’re ready to begin (or end as the case may be)
This first level shows you all the controls and actually creates the atmosphere for the game, which ultimately is addictive with amazing combat skills. Throughout the game you’re given a break, thanks to the cut scenes which never stop reminding you that you are fighting for survival for the robot race. When finishing the first level it feels like you completed the game already –the credits run etc, but it’s really the end of a chapter and you’re ready to fight the final fight – the grand finale.
This starts off where its predecessor War of Cybertron left off, so if you really want to understand the full storyline then you should go buy the first one before going any further – but it’s not essential to playing and enjoying this game.
The Story mode game play of Transformers Fall of Cybertron is a fun game, fairly short however and had the occasional glitch in fire power and aiming, but overall an enjoyable game.
So where does this game earn its money, the multiplayer?
Multiplayer has two main game modes, Team Death Match and Capture the Flag and you can select four classes of transformer, the Infiltrator who is like a scout, really fast but doesn’t take damage very well. Destroyer, who does the damage but has normal armour, so can also be damaged in return. The Titan, which takes lots of damage due to hefty armour, but deals out only mediocre damage in return and last but not least the Scientist, who is also the medic of the group. He’s great for team support and recovery but is easily damaged. The multiplayer is really good if you pick the right class and learn it well, survival is all about the one who can master his class well.
Supported by degrees of level and the XP system, if you’re a multiplayer gamer then pick a class you enjoy as you’ll level up quicker and gain special items each time you level up.
It’s an addictive robotic battle, and I realised I’d been playing it for a couple of hours when I thought it had been minutes. I did enjoy my play time in story mode, but for me it’s all about the online, multiplayer experience.
This game is perfect for any Transformer fan with all the characters from the movie and previous game. I’d give it a 7/10 as its certainly enjoyable and addictive with great graphics and fantastic, multiplayer fun.
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron
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