Monday 8 October 2012

In the run-up to Far Cry 3’s release this November, we’ve recently launched the brand new “Holiday From Hell” app on Facebook. Please find details below.

Make your own Holiday from Hell postcard and keep it as a souvenir!

Become Vaas’ hostage, buried up to your neck in sand or bob along to the sound of your ukulele as a Wahine bobblehead as Ubisoft’s new Far Cry 3 Facebook app lets you create and customize your own ‘Holiday from Hell’ postcard and share it with your friends.

The first 2,000 people to create their postcard can also have it printed and sent via Royal Mail free of charge! Through the app you can also create your own Facebook timeline header image, share your postcard to friends’ walls or send it as an email.

Description: D:\Pour Adrien\FC3\Facebook posting app\postal_card_visu_fb.jpg

Far Cry 3
Formats: PC, PS3, X360
Out: 30/11/2012
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: In-house

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