Thursday 11 October 2012

So' what do you need to be an F1 driver, stamina, speed, determination and balls of steel (at least if you do you get a girlfriend like Nicole Scherzinger!).

No, you just need a PS3 and the latest in the F1 gaming series, F1 2012. 

What an awesome racing game this is.  Codemasters’ have added so much into this that there’s something for everyone - even the wife had a race or two.

If you’ve played the 2010 or 2011 racing games then you’re already hooked and this will not do anything to wane your enthusiasm. If you’re a casual racing gamer then this is a fantastic game for you to enjoy a little or a lot!

One massive addition for those of you who are just dipping into the world of racing games is the Young Driver Test, which is a range of tutorials that explain how to get the most out of the car and the track.  It teaches you about tyres, drive situations, using the KERS (Kinetic Energy Recovery System) and DRS (Drag Reduction System).

 This is the most comprehensive F1 game ever, I don’t know what else can be added in the future to this game because it really has everything from weather and news reports to intense in game pit discussions and advice.

Taking in all the F1 tracks in the calendar, Codemasters has even included the USA track that will feature for the first time this season.

So what about the game modes:
Champions Mode:  This is a quick mode where by enhanced racers get the chance to test their driving skills against six racing champions, Kimi Raikkonen, Lewis Hamilton, Jenson Button, Fernando Alonso, Sebastian Vettel and Michael Schumacher.  It’s a ‘Go for Gold’ race that’ll leave you feeling top notch or in the relegation zone.  The latter for me in this case!

Season Challenge: You begin in a low ranking team, but you get to choose your team mate. Over ten races you have to beat your team mate in order to gain a better car and eventually drive for a better team.  This is the career mode of the F1 game and can really bring out your driving skills (or lack of).

Online: Wow, what a rush. This could be the ultimate reason for buying this game. Yes you can sit in your room, driving against the computer programme, but ultimately you want to beat people, strangers or a mate, who cares? Online really got me going, the first time I played in online there was a bunch of idiots who decided that this was actually Carmegeddon and decided that they would just smash other cars out of the way – Nice game play chaps!  Oh and their language was pretty nasty too.
Anyway I have since found that this is not normal, I have now enjoyed many hours playing online, winning trophies for determination etc (not winning races I might add) and slowly, slowly improving my car, my driving skills and my patience!
Those of you who know me well and play against me online know that it’s usually war and killing that I enjoy online the most. However I’ve abandoned the killing fields lately and am thoroughly enjoying the race track.

If you want a sports game on your Christmas list then add this for sure.  Ignore the ignorant people on it (I’m sure they’re still there) and switch to a race group that purely enjoys the games for what it is, abides by the rules of the race track and makes this a good all round game. 

Well done Codemasters, big up to you and the team for a great F1 game for all!

Games Booth Rating 10/10

F1 2012
Formats: PC, PS3, X360
Out: 21/09/2012
Publisher: Codemasters

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