Assassins Creed 3
I have played all of the Assassins Creed games and to be
fair was starting to lose interest in them because they seemed to be the same
game with a few tweaks here and there. When this came along and had many
promises alongside it, I was once again eager to play. I’m pleased to say that I wasn’t
disappointed; this is actually a great game.
It’s a little confusing at points and certainly at the end of the game
once the initial credits roll then you realise you haven’t actually finished the
game, and even more so when you’re not sure what to do at all and it really
takes all those little white cells to work it out.

In this day and age you again play Desmond and there’s the
odd mission here and there that you need to do to find more cells etc for the animus.
The main part of the game consists of you playing Connor, a
Native American Indian whose father is a British soldier. With his mum dead and
his village threatened you need to use all the sneaking and assassin skills
possible to find out the truth behind who wants your local land and who is
betraying who to get it.
It’s a bit confusing with who’s fighting who, who’s working
for whom and exactly what you need to be doing as an assassin. There’s Templars, Assassins, Colonists and
some very aggressive, large wildlife out there.
The first thing you will notice with this game is the
difficulty of controlling your character, it’s actually so frustrating that I
almost quit this game and threw my controller into the TV. Luckily I decided to have a coffee, calm down
a little and keep trying. Eventually I managed to get the hang of it – although
the ugly controls do raise concerns with the game and can cause frustrations
during crucial fight scenes.

The map is immense you bounce all over the USA across cities;
wilderness and you even take to the water with some sailing missions and
You really have to believe that the completion of this game
will give you such immense excitement and a feeling of success because it’s a
bloody long game that uses all your brain matter to get through - even after 30
hours + of playing there’s still so much to do.
This is an amazing game and really does need to be purchased
and played by anyone and everyone, whether an Assassins Creed fan or not this
is a tough but enjoyable game!
Games Booth Rating 10/10
Assassin's Creed III
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