by guest reviewer Iain Fisher,
I am a massive fan of Family Guy, have the box sets, love the Star Wars rip off's etc. Also a big fan of Seth McFarlane and all who work with this evil genius. Heck I even like the Cleveland show which over here in the UK is as welcome as a fart in a space suit.
Now this game brings nothing new to the table for games of its genre, it is the celery in the glass at a buffet, you know its there but you don't care and move on to something more exciting like a vol-au-vent, or on watching Songs of Praise with your drooling elderly relatives. The game play is a run of the mill run and shoot, starting off with Brian and Stewie you go through the mundane arcade style missions. The sound layering is really frustrating because this means when you interact with a character, you can't hear everything you need too because, the other sprites gabble on with their three amusing lines they have been programmed with over and over again, meaning that you try and listen to who ever you're talking to desperately trying to understand the mission you're trying to achieve.
The missions are not that amazing either - the pirate mission with Peter is quite exciting, but I was so frustrated by the one liners I ended up muting it before it put me off my favourite cartoon franchise for the rest of my life, that plus the fact that the characters sometimes they kicked when it didn't matter or make sense.
The game play is fine, nothing to shout about from the rafters, the graphics are not going to push the console, its not even cell shading at its best, they have tried to 3D all the sprites however, Stewie doesn't look quite right and Brian looks like a massive tampon with a coal nose.
I felt the humour was forced in the game and therefore misses the fluidity of the TV series. This game is just like the Simpsons effort, average at best. I would not pay the full whack of money for this, a gift for later in the year when it's half price definitely. I would rather save my money and pay my road tax on time.
I'm not saying this game is bad, but I don't think hard core Peter Griffin fans are going to rush out and buy this. It would have been more fun if it was like a Sim City style game or a blank disk I could throw at my neighbours car as he leaves to play traffic warden all day.
This game does nothing for me or the integrity of the Family Guy franchise, which is a massive shame!
Bring on South Park
Games Booth Rating 5/10
Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse
Formats: | PS3, X360 |
Out: | 23/11/2012 |
Publisher: | Activision
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