Monday 1 April 2013

BioShock Infinite, by guest reviewer Iain Fisher

I am always very conscious of games that have been labeled "multi-award winning" and are advertised more than three times every hour as game of the year, as more often than not this is a bigger lie than Kim Kardashian’s chest originality.

In the case of the BioShock’s games , I was an avid fan of the first one, which in my honest opinion I considered to be a pioneer in the FPS range of gaming with its original approach, strong story line and it never took away from the game play or the story with lack luster graphics and over promised ‘game play’. I was impressed with is atmospheric zones and seamless links between levels, the AI and interaction with characters was brilliant and the choice making which, even if it seems pointless at the time, had a massive impact on the ending you received. It was these choices that encouraged you to replay the game over for a second or third time, each time selecting a different choice and adding diversity to your game play style.  

So with that in mind I just couldn’t wait to play BioShock Infinite. This game will be game of the year or I’ll eat my Nan, a bold statement from a reviewer who hates the dead horse flogging that seems to be going on with excessive sequels in the gaming world. I was blown away from the off, I was so immersed in the atmosphere of the floating city and the 1912 feel to the sprites design and the city setup. The music and lighting adds to the feel that you are there, at one point I’m pretty sure I could smell candy floss and hotdog.

I'm usually a bit ‘gung ho’ the first time of playing, getting weapons and upgrading them to the hilt and killing everyone who gives me the time of day. The second and third time, I then tend to be a bit of a detective picking up all things I can, holding back my red death rampage urges and sparing the lives of the idiots I once before enjoyed spraying their inners up a beautifully designed wall. BTW in this sequel the only issue is it takes a while before the proverbial hits the fan and you have to then start to kick some ass.

The story is around you, Booker DeWitt, saving a girl, Elizabeth, who has an ability. I'm going to be very vague as I don't want to give anything way so I’ll leave the plot out a bit, to be quick though, you’re in debt and need to get to a floating city to get Elizabeth, send her to New York to pay off said debt then life is happy....easy right? What’s the worst that could happen?

The graphics are simply breath taking, from the posters to the walk ways and everything in between they’re brilliantly and painstakingly detailed, even the grass looks amazing instead of looking like someone has spilt green paint on the floor, the roller coaster style thing you use as transport makes you dizzy like a roller coaster, and the air is fresh, I can smell it!

The weapons are just brilliant and as before adaptable and upgradable, the new magic powers are fantastic, the only problem is that you do get most of them quite quickly and with little resistance, but never the less they all have outstanding ways of destroying the enemy.  The cut scenes explaining them are Monty Python designed which is brilliant.

In summary I have nothing bad to say about this game it needs to be in your life, you don't need to play the first two, but you should because BioShock is to gaming as Alfa Romeos are to petrol head, you are not a purist gamer if you have never played BioShock (My opinion only of course!).

Oh I forgot to mention, as this game is set in 1912, it has the social expediencies of that era, so if you are offended by things of this nature the game is not for you. However everything is done in relative good taste. One last line - I enjoyed every second of this game and will never trade in. 

GamesBooth Rating10/10

BioShock Infinite
Formats: PC, PS3, X360
Out: 26/3/2013
Publisher: 2K Games
Developer: Irrational

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