Sunday 25 November 2012

Not only did I constantly struggle with writing the name of this game wrong – in my language there’s a ‘u’ in there – but I struggled so much with the game itself and this review, not because it’s bad in anyway, it’s just such a massive game play concept.  It’s going to be the game of the year, that’s what the marketing hype so it sure had a lot to live up to.

It’s a whole load of games rolled into one, I’m just not sure how to describe it, but I think I have settled on an assassin stealth game.  It seems to have taken something from every assassin, stealth, killer and strategy game and rolled it into one.  This could have easily be a train wreck, but I’m pleased to say it really worked out and could actually be one of the best games played this year by GamesBooth.  This game quite simply blew me away with its originality, its longevity and its ability to capture my stunted attention span. The game plan is quite simply amazing.
The stealth action begins immediately while you’re in the sewers and doesn’t stop until the credits roll.  There’s just so much going on I’m really not sure how I am meant to do the game justice.  I mean, who uses magic spells to antagonise rats to kill the enemy?
The graphics are superb; they create an atmosphere second only to games like BioShock.  It has some great levels of detail, not only in the mapping of the city with its simply beautiful roof top scenery , but the depth and detail in every room you walk through is awe inspiring. You can almost smell the log fires and the horse shit in the streets. The people whom you interact with to gather information to complete your mission are life like with their differing personalities, arrogance to charming they’re all there.

As previously alluded to, the story line is not simple and neither are the missions - it’s an extremely tough game to play – there’s stealth, tactics, precision and magic, yes, magic to contend with.  You just never know what’s going to happen  when you attack the enemy, will it be a quiet stealth kill, or all out war? What can be assured is that I took great satisfaction in using a wicked move that swiftly removed the head off my opponent - woo hoo.
The game in its self has kept me keen, when you think you have completed it, and your thumbs are sore, it keeps giving and giving. 

I loved it and we can only hope there will be a sequel (as long as they keep the excellent quality and don’t mess with it. This game has striding legs and they were right it is a serious contender for game of the year. 

Games Booth Rating 10/10  

Formats: PC, PS3, X360
Out: 12/10/2012
Publisher: Bethesda

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